“Why Boost Oxygen? What’s Wrong With The Air I Breathe?”
What does Boost Oxygen do for you? One of the most common questions we receive at Boost Oxygen is: “Why do I need supplemental oxygen? What’s wrong with the air I breathe?”
The short answer is – there’s nothing wrong with the air you breathe. BUT, it’s all about the QUALITY of the air you breathe.
How much oxygen is in the air you normally breathe?
See if you can answer this question: What percentage of the air you normally breathe is pure oxygen?
100%? Nope.
90%? Try again.
80%? Also wrong.
The answer is: Just 21% of the air you normally breathe is oxygen.
Yes, you read that correctly. Some people are surprised to learn that. It also doesn’t take into account the various pollutants in the air around you. At higher altitudes, the oxygen concentration can be less. The majority of the air you have breathed your entire life is mostly 78% nitrogen. The total breakdown is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and the rest are small amounts of gasses like argon, carbon dioxide and methane.
Elon Musk has also shared this fact on Twitter:
Why the oxygen content in the air you breathe is important
Your next question might be: “So what? Why does it matter?”
The simple answer is: More pure oxygen equals better health.
Your body needs oxygen to fuel your cells to power your muscles, tissues and organs. Oxygen is also the basic fuel for metabolism. The less oxygen your cells receive, the more sluggish and tired you become. You start to feel fatigued or short of breath. In other words, less oxygen equates to your cells losing the energy they need to repair your body. Your immune system weakens and your risk of getting sick increases.
Now, everything we have discussed so far involves OUTDOOR air quality. According to the EPA, however, the levels of indoor air pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels, and in some cases these levels can exceed 100 times that of outdoor levels of the same pollutants.
Again, you read that correctly.
All of this brings us back to the original question that we presented at the start of this blog: “Why do you I need supplemental oxygen? What’s wrong with the air I breathe?”
Why supplemental oxygen can help as an all-natural respiratory support
For everyone here at Boost Oxygen, it’s always been about teaching our consumers – something Boost Oxygen co-founder Rob Neuner believes strongly in.
“Education about the benefits of supplemental oxygen has been critical to the success of Boost Oxygen,” Neuner explains. “I compare it to when Gatorade first came out in the 1970s and they tried to explain how electrolytes were important for hydration. Most people, especially athletes, continued to use water to stay hydrated, but over time everyone began to understand the benefits of electrolytes for hydration, recovery and performance. It’s the same concept for supplemental oxygen. People think that breathing regular air is just fine – and it is – but if you want to feel better, recover faster and improve aerobic performance, using supplemental pure oxygen is much better for you.”
Who uses Boost Oxygen? Athletes have been using supplemental oxygen for decades. Oxygen is required to support optimal exercise performance. It can be used as an immediate fuel source for fatigued muscles. It is 100% legal for all sports, since it is just pure oxygen, with nothing else added to it.
Seniors enjoy Boost Oxygen. As people age, they may struggle with occasional shortness of breath. Supplemental oxygen can help improve symptoms and increase comfort with breathing.
For outdoor enthusiasts, particularly hiking or biking at high elevations, supplemental oxygen can help prevent altitude sickness and headaches commonly associated with lack of oxygen. This is why supplemental oxygen is so popular in recreational places located at high elevations, like the Rocky Mountains, where activity paired with thinner air can lead to lack of oxygenation.
Also, in areas where air quality is threatened, or where poor air quality days occur frequently, supplemental oxygen can help. People who live in places where wildfires are common and are exposed to smoke are breathing in less pure oxygen. In many areas, summer smog, excessive heat, and humidity in the air can make it difficult to breathe, and supplemental oxygen can help – especially among those with pre-existing respiratory issues.
Now let’s discuss the different types of indoor air, and why supplemental oxygen like Boost Oxygen can help.
Indoor air quality vs. Outdoor air quality
Among some of the worst indoor air quality locations include casinos, bus stations, schools, warehouses, airplanes, manufacturing facilities, indoor pools, apartment buildings and doctor offices – especially for workers who spend the majority of their days inside those locations.
Casinos have some of the worst indoor quality, due to smoking. Bus stations are filled with air pollutants such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. Many manufacturing facilities, apartment buildings and schools are older buildings with outdated and poorly designed ventilation and HVAC systems. In the case of doctor offices, airborne pathogens can be common.
While the outside air you breathe contains 21% oxygen, indoor air can contain less. Meaning, your body is getting less of the oxygen it needs and more of the pollutants that can harm it. People who work indoors in these buildings with air quality issues are more likely to feel tired, sluggish and get sick more often.
Supplemental oxygen like Boost Oxygen is not intended to treat any illness, but it can help provide your body with pure oxygen to help when you’re feeling run down – especially if you work indoors. It’s safe, all natural and doesn’t contain the caffeine or sugars in energy drinks that cause you to crash later. Boost Oxygen is 95% pure oxygen that comes in lightweight, easy to use, and portable canisters.
Katie explains: What is Boost Oxygen! Watch the video below: