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Is Supplemental Oxygen Safe for Pets? You Bet!

“I’m not a professional athlete, nor do I claim to have hiked the highest summits. Some people might think I’m just a paranoid dog mom. I like to think I’m just your average gal who loves the outdoors and goes on outdoor adventures with her k9 companion.

My first high altitude hike was in Sequoia National Park where I got a dose of altitude sickness. It came out of nowhere and caught me by surprise. I felt like I could not catch my breath no matter how hard I tried. I felt like I was drowning. That would be my first (and so far the last) experiencing any form of extreme altitude sickness.”


“Fast forward to about 5 years later…

I decided to rescue my dog Loki from a backyard breeder. He was abused and neglected and was in poor health. I blame many of his health issues due to the conditions he was brought up in. I believe if you decide to own a pet, you should give them the best life possible. Therefore I took the time and did some research in regard to altitude sickness in dogs. And just like humans, dogs can get it too. Loki and I love to hike mountains. But how can I keep him safe and make sure he also does not experience altitude sickness? We live by the ocean and I was worried that the thinning of oxygen in high elevation could affect him.

Boost Oxygen for Dogs and Community Support

So I started to google on how to prevent altitude sickness and what the market had to offer. What came up in my search was a silver bottle with a green top that read “Boost Oxygen”. I guess it doesn’t hurt to try, I thought. I placed an order online and received it that week. Initially, I was surprised by how light it was; and also, how can I get my dog to use this? I stared at the bottle for a bit and thought ‘what if I used a cup and attached it’? I wasn’t sure if this method would work. So I decided to check Boost’s social media page and reached out asking if anyone with a dog had done this before. And guess what?  Someone did!  I used a 16 oz hot cup, cut the bottom out and, placed the mask of the bottle through it and sealed it with tape. Before our trip, I got Loki to test and try it out with the homemade cup attachment.”


“We practiced by putting his snout into the cup and giving him some a few times at home. So, then off we went to the Sierras for our adventure. I would give Boost to Loki whenever I noticed he was panting hard, as well as during our breaks.

We also share the bottle and never hike without it; can’t hike 12-14k in elevation without the help of Boost Oxygen!”

Thank you for sharing your experience with us Susie! Following along on your outdoor adventures with Loki and Mimi on Instagram is at the top of our favorite things to do: @furrywoofpack


Approximately 60 one-second inhalations.

Ideal for "on the go" quick trips to the grocery store or lunch with friends.

3 liter


Approximately 100 one-secon inhalations.

Ideal for the gym, a daily hike, outdoor exercise or a day trip.

3 liter


Approximately 200 one-second inhalations.

Ideal for weekly home use, camping, vacations, long trips and extended travel.

3 liter