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Spring Air Quality – What You Need To Know

Spring is here and that means warmer weather – but changes in the weather can also influence your lifestyle. These can include indoor air quality during spring cleaning, outdoor activities such as hiking and exercise or something as simple as yard work, and even planning vacations to visit family and friends. If you’re an older adult, supplemental oxygen can help provide natural respiratory support for all of your daily activities as the weather warms.

Boost Oxygen for Spring Weather

The air we breathe contains only 21% oxygen. The majority is 78% nitrogen. Boost Oxygen is pure supplemental oxygen for all-natural respiratory support in portable and convenient canisters. It provides nearly 5X the amount of pure oxygen you normally breathe. No prescription is needed. As the weather warms, we hope you will support your health and wellness with Boost Oxygen products!

Spring Weather Means Sniffles – Supplemental Oxygen Can Help

The arrival of Spring and warmer weather means sniffles for millions of people. Spring can be beautiful with flowers blooming, but that can also mean sneezing, coughing and runny noses due to pollen.

Your body can become poorly oxygenated as it fights off a sickness. Your body needs oxygen so it can provide oxygen-rich blood cells to keep your tissues and organs healthy. Without proper oxygen, you can feel tired and your immune system weakens.

Spring Cleaning? Think About Indoor Air Quality

Like the old saying goes, home is where the heart is. Indoors is also where you will likely spend the majority of your life. The average American will spend over 80% of their life indoors. When most people think about air pollution, they envision factory smokestacks, smog over a city or exhaust from a traffic jam. But indoor air quality can actually be worse than outdoor air quality. Spring is also a time that many people enjoy the annual task of Spring Cleaning!

For all the time we spend indoors in our home, it’s important to know the ways you can improve indoor air quality to stay healthy and comfortable, especially for people with sniffles or respiratory issues.

Boost Oxygen for Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air pollutants can have a profound impact on your comfort level and health. Over time, bad indoor air quality can also cause sickness and respiratory issues. Air pollutants can range from contaminants brought in by other people or pets, dust mites, spores, mold and mildew, dangerous gases like carbon monoxide and radon or volatile chemicals emitted from conventional cleaners and cooking. Indoor air quality tends to be worse in the winter months because there is often no flow of fresh air from the outside, meaning allergens stay trapped inside. Older homes may contain asbestos and lead particles, which can be damaging to the lungs when released into the air.

These air pollutants and allergens can not only cause respiratory problems but can cause flare-ups in people who already have breathing issues. Children, people with asthma and the elderly may be especially sensitive to indoor pollutants, but other effects on health may appear years later, after repeated exposure.

There are several easy ways to improve indoor air quality, whether it’s your home or office. Doing these can greatly improve your comfort and general health all year round:

– Change indoor air filters
– Keep it clean and vacuum
– Use air purifiers and dehumidifiers
– Let fresh air inside by occasionally opening windows

Related Article: Easy Ways You Can Improve Indoor Air Quality

Outdoor Activities and Exercise? Think About Respiratory Support

With warmer weather, millions of Americans will enjoy getting back outdoors, whether it’s for exercise, leisure, hiking and camping or travel.

America’s parks will be filling up with plenty of campers and hikers. Boost Oxygen provides pure supplemental oxygen after sitting around the smoke from a relaxing campfire. Supplemental Oxygen also helps you wake up and clear the cobwebs after a night spent inside a tent or RV camper. Many people also like to camp and hike at higher altitudes – and supplemental oxygen can help with altitude acclimation.

“Need to catch my Breath”… “I’m Winded”… “Need a Break” – terms everyone uses while pushing their body during exercise or physical activity. Boost Oxygen provides pure oxygen to help you get back to peak performance. Whether you need to catch your breath during a quick run or a marathon, taking a break from a hike or a bike ride, or competing on the court in basketball or tennis, supplemental oxygen helps you recover quicker!

Millions of Americans will also be traveling the roads and highways this summer for vacation. Air pollution from traffic, lack of physical activity and driving fatigue at night can all lead to oxygen deficiency which can cause dizziness, fatigue and headaches. Supplemental Oxygen can help you stay focused and energized while driving long distances.


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*Disclaimer:  Boost Oxygen is for recreational purposes only, ideal for athletes and sports enthusiasts, older adults, and people at high altitude or in poor air quality. No prescription is needed to purchase Boost Oxygen. As it is not medical-grade oxygen, not a drug, and not intended for the treatment of any medical condition or disease, it is neither regulated nor approved by the FDA and thus the Agency has not assessed any of the statements herein. Consult your physician if you have any medical conditions.


Approximately 60 one-second inhalations.

Ideal for "on the go" quick trips to the grocery store or lunch with friends.

3 liter


Approximately 100 one-secon inhalations.

Ideal for the gym, a daily hike, outdoor exercise or a day trip.

3 liter


Approximately 200 one-second inhalations.

Ideal for weekly home use, camping, vacations, long trips and extended travel.

3 liter