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what is supplemental oxygen

Boost Oxygen vs. The Air You Breathe: What’s The Difference?
Boost Oxygen vs. The Air You Breathe: What’s The Difference? What’s the difference between Boost Oxygen and the air you normally breathe? When people first...
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Review: Boost Oxygen- when you’re at risk of feeling…deflated.
We always like to share reviews of Boost Oxygen from people who haven’t used our product before. We came across this review by Jason Velázquez...
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Supplemental Oxygen: A Smart Addition To Any Essentials
Supplemental Oxygen: A Smart Addition To Any Essentials Whether you enjoy traveling, working out, hiking, skiing, cycling or even soaking up the sun at the...
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Why Are People Using Boost Oxygen?
Why Are People Using Boost Oxygen? You probably already know who is using Boost Oxygen, but why are they using it? Being that oxygen is...
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Hurting From A Hangover? Supplemental Oxygen Can Help!
Hurting From A Hangover? Supplemental Oxygen Can Help! Drinking too much can result in a hangover – aches, pains, headaches and even sickness. It can...
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What is Supplemental Oxygen and Why Is It Important?
What is Supplemental Oxygen? Before 2020, you may not have given a whole lot of thought to oxygen. Sure, you were aware that you needed...
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What’s the difference between Boost Oxygen and Medical Oxygen?
What’s the difference between Boost Oxygen and Medical Oxygen? One of the most common questions we hear is “What’s the difference between Boost Oxygen and...
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Katie Explains: Why Your Local Pharmacy Should Carry Boost Oxygen
Katie Explains: Why Your Local Pharmacy Should Carry Boost Oxygen In her latest video, Katie explains why your local pharmacy should carry Boost Oxygen. Providing...
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The Simpsons feature portable oxygen as Boost Oxygen gains popularity
Simpsons feature portable oxygen as Boost Oxygen gains popularity It’s been said that you’ve achieved mainstream popularity if you’re featured on the long-running hit series...
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A Respiratory Therapist Reviews Boost Oxygen
A Respiratory Therapist Reviews Boost Oxygen When people discover Boost Oxygen for the first time, they usually have several questions about using it and the...
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Approximately 60 one-second inhalations.

Ideal for "on the go" quick trips to the grocery store or lunch with friends.

3 liter


Approximately 100 one-secon inhalations.

Ideal for the gym, a daily hike, outdoor exercise or a day trip.

3 liter


Approximately 200 one-second inhalations.

Ideal for weekly home use, camping, vacations, long trips and extended travel.

3 liter